Wednesday 28 November 2012

Vampire Horror Movies.

Shadow Of The Vampire - Steven Katz
Buffy The Vampire Slayer- Joss Whedon
Vampyr- Carl Theodor Dreyer & Christian Jul

What is the layout and what conventions are there?
- The layout of the scripts are mostly of conversations showing what each person is saying and then in brackets stage directions, camera movements and sounds. The conventions that were used in the scripts were mostly conversations which we know is the norm in most scripts.

The vampire movie that i am going to produce is going to be about a teenage couple where only one is a vampire, and the others not. The elder vampires believe that vampires shouldn't date mortals and decide to try and kill the mortal. Vampires follow the mortal home, get vampires to watch her every move, kill her whole family. The vampire tries his hardest to protect his girlfriend by even killing members of his own family and people who are from the same kind. In the end the mortal eventually gets bitten and her whole life turns upside down. The remaining members of her family believe that she is dead and hold her a funeral, later on we realise that she herself has turnt into a vampire and breaks out of the coffin seeking revenge to the elders who did this to her..

1 comment:

  1. www: good story line and very clear idea of script structure, well done :D

    ebi: use of media terms and more analysed plot.
