Thursday 21 February 2013

Vampire Horror- Representation.

With the Television series 'The Vampire Diarie's', the mise en scene that contributes to the representation of vampires. This includes with the opening of the scenes, a car is driving down a dark, foggy road. This already helps give an eerie and scary atmosphere. There is also a human who has been bitten on the neck, this is associated with vampires, as a bitten neck is a stereotypical vampire iconography. After this incident, the scene goes to a problematic human life, of a pair of orphans living with thier aunt and trying to focus on leading a normal life, yet the audience already know that there are vampires around.
The sound in the opening sequence also contributes to the representation of vampires, there is a narrative voice over of what it sounds to be a young man telling the audience that he is a vampire and he wants to tell his story, this also ties in with the title of the programme 'Vampire Diaries'. There is also non-diegetic music in the background when the couple are speaking in the car as if its from the car radio, yet both sounds can be heard clearly whilst together, this helps take away for just a small amount of time the eerie atmosphere in which the darkness and fog creates. Lastly another thing that contributes to the representation is the natural sounds within the scenes, such as the sound of the wind, trees and the birds which we hear alone and not along with any other sounds, creating another eerie atmosphere.
With camera shots that were used, certain aspects of the scene had extreme close ups, such as the hand of the person in which was hit by the car had a large oval ring on thier finger. This could be an eternity ring in which could be from a vampire family heirloom suggesting that this person may be a vampire. There is also another close up of the male on the road with a bitten neck showing the bite and all the blood. Both of these close ups are strong representations of vampires giving the audience an example of the types of things that vampires are involved with.