Monday 15 October 2012

Essay On Opening Sequence Of 'City Of God'

In the opening sequence of the film "City Of God" there is a busy enviroment within the jump shots of a knife being sharpened, a woman making drinks, drums being played, chickens being skinned and also a lot of other people preparing food and drinks.
A dominant icon in the opening sequence was the chicken, it was seen as an object to the actors in the film. What we see visually within the jump shots leads up to and influences and we percieve the chicken and how we feel towards the scenario. When the opening sequence starts the first thing that we see is an extreme close up shot of a knife being sharpened, this signifies that something is going to be cut or an animal/human is going to be killed. The idea of this is also exxagerated by the size of the knife, as its a big meat knife that could easily cut through anything. The use of the extreme close up shot intensifies the scenario and makes the audience wonder what is going to happen next.
The next scene which is a jump shot from the first shot is where a dead chicken is being skinned, this also is another visual element of the film that signifies that the chickens are killed and used to feed the people. This also explains how the chicken is seen and treated throughout the opening sequence as an object.
The following focus of the scene is where there is medium close up of a single live chicken tied up to something, this automatically makes the audience see what the chicken will be used for. We see the chicken watching everything that is happening and witnessing all the other chickens be killed and skinned. There is diegetic and non diegetic music with the drums being played. With the scene and the audio it makes it seem like it should be something that should be celebrated but even with all the celebrations, the chicken is the most dominant and focused icon of the scene. The audience will not be focused on the celebrations but the chicken as we witness how frantic and anxious the chicken is too escape from the rope which it is tied up with.
In the scene, when the chicken finally does escape. The actors seem to be very frantic over the loss of that one chicken, this could signify the fact that there is alot of poverty and lack of financial materials to support the population. This is shown as when the chicken runs, almost thirty people chase after the chicken trying to catch it, it seems that the chicken is very precious to the people as we see when they are running they do not let anything get in thier way, for example when they were all running after the chicken and a man with alot of pots got in the way. The people running did not stop for him but instead pushed him aside out of the way so that the chicken was visible at all times. While the people and the chicken were running, two different camera shots were used. Firstly the tracking shot was used where it makes the audience feel as if they are running with the people to catch the chicken, along with this camera shot, a high angle view from the people runnings perspective looking down to the chicken running ahead of them, this angle gives the people the sense of authority and power over the chicken. When the camera is focused on to the chicken, a point of view shot was used, it was behind the chicken and we saw the back of the chicken and also what the chicken saw. We saw that the chicken was running quite fast away from the people and also the chicken had to avoid alot of obstacles. We mostly saw peoples frantic reactions with thier feet that signifies that the chicken really is nothing in this big world. Another camera shot that was used was a low angle which pointed up towards the people. It was as if the chicken was looking behind and seeing where they were. With this shot and the chicken being the point of view that it is coming from, this also shows that the people have power and authority over the chicken, which clearly shows that the chicken is literally fearing for its life.
With the two focused scenes of the chicken and people running, when they are intergrated together to make the scene fit in together, it effectively increases the atmosphere and audiences perception of what is happening. The chicken is used as a metaphor as to the people all it was seen as was food and financial prospects, and not the actual fact that it was an animal. The people in the film did so much to catch the chicken that escaped which shows that the chicken is very important to them. the angles and shots that were used also helped the audience to see both points of view between the people and the chicken.

Thursday 4 October 2012


I have set a target for myself too:

- Use varied terms of media terminology.
- Make clear links with the connotations and denotations.
- To complete my work to the standard i think i am capable of.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Short Script - Continuity Editing & The 180 Degree Rule

*Anonymous hand opening a door, close up of hand and door handle*

*Jump cut to behind man in seats right shoulder, seeinng the anonymous figure walk into the room and close the door behind him*

Dave: Thanks for seeing me at such short notice Sir.

*Camera goes behind Daves left shoulder to see the man in the chair*

Bob: Your lucky! What is it? I dont like wasting time.

*Camera behind Bobs right shoulder*

Dave: Well... (faces floor), my wife is pregnant and at the moment we are really struggling with the mortgage and bills, its hard. Theres no chance i could, maybe, er, um get an advance on my wages? Just to see me by?

*Camera behind Daves left shoulder*

Bob: No chance! Does this company look like a charity for wastes and strays to be helped financially just because they cannot keep on top of all their bills. Now goodbye. Close the door on your way out.

*Camera behind Bobs right shoulder, see Dave walking out the room, looking at the floor. Opening the door and closing it behind him*